ENFTEE Series : Rosa Fantasy Series 2

2 min readFeb 24, 2021


Rosa Series on Enftee.com

When undeserved time is given to us, which impairs the accuracy of time, we finally get to face the time. We end the day by gasping to follow the trend of the times, so we wonder how many modern people in the city spend their day in accordance with the rhythm of our body. A friend of mine who has moved to the countryside to avoid the time flow set by everyone, to avoid the precious time usage formed by the so called ‘society norms’, is constantly faced with the repetitive question : do you sleep more drastically than me ; are you filling the years with more meaningful and slower times than us? The answers to these questions are obviously no. The city dwellers that live in a day where they don’t know if whether they are dominating the time or if time is eating them up alive are in a constant battle to breathe.

Rosa gives us the time to think. Cyborg farmers bring in a somewhat unfamiliar topic and give us a primal reflection of what time means to us, when we don’t have the time to think. His work throws a raw question of doubt that time may not flow in a straight line in one direction.


His work makes us think.

In a way that the past may be in front of the future and the passage of time may doubtfully not flow in a visible line but in a circle that we cannot see? Could it be that the cyborgs hidden in the past have been missed thanks to the shallow technology of humans who cannot look into the past in that scope?

The enlightening thoughts his work brings to readers are both simple and complex.

While admiring his work, I fell deeply in with Rosa’s fantasy and wondered what time am I living in and what is expected of this thing called time. I dare say that you take some time off to indulge his work. Are you sure that you are in control of your time?

Artist Website : Rosa Fantasy

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